Living the Intentional Life – All Is Possible

Welcome to the Intentional Life website.

The Tao Te Ching, which roughly translated means the Book of the Way of Inner Power (my translation) and written by a person who is known as Lao Tzu perhaps around 500 B.C., has an often quoted passage:

The Master does nothing,

yet he leaves nothing undone.

The ordinary man is always doing things,

yet many more are left to be done.

(Verse 38)1

Living the intentional life is not forcing or pushing yourself to a goal, but letting the goal come to you by doing everything with ease, allowing your path to unfold and walking down it with Love, Joy, Wellbeing, and Awareness.

This site is dedicated to the knowledge that when we are integrated with and fully expressing our Selves, or our eternal nature, we are able to live life intentionally. Struggle and suffering are reduced or even eliminated, and we are more able to create our lives and experiences with intention.

Tarot is an excellent tool and practice to assist us in exploring our individual paths, the current state of our individual evolution, and what we can do to optimize our access to the power of intention.

On this site, you can book tarot readings, watch videos about living intentionally using tarot as a focusing tool. You can also find random short articles related to living an intentional life. And because living a life in Love, Joy, Wellbeing, and Awareness also includes eating well, there is also a page of recipes for some of the favorite recipes of this site’s developer, just for fun.

If you would like to book a personal reading, head right over to the Tarot Readings Shop.

If you would like information about the developer and the logo, be sure to look at the About Us page.

I am pleased you are here, looking around the site. Be sure to sign up for a subscription to updates. Comments are always welcome. I hope to see you here often.

Yours in Love, Joy, Wellbeing, and Awareness,

Derek John Thomas


  1. Mitchell, Stephen; tao te ching: a new English version; Haprer Perenial Modern Classics, New York; 2006
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