In an Environment of Worry

Welcome to the first video of what I intend to be a year-long dive into the Harris-Crowley Thoth system. I’m using a spread that I learned from Kelly Fitzgerald at Truth in Story and modified for my own purposes. (Here’s a link to her channel

The central idea of this week’s spread is, on the conscious level, worry. This worry could be due to our own thoughts and circumstances, but it could just as easily be something we’re feeling from those around us (friends, family, co-workers, or wider society). It’s clear that our environment is infused with obvious and more subtle worry.

We explore that worry, some less conscious elements and some potential causes and some help. You’ll notice this video is long, even for me. You don’t need to watch the entire video in one sitting. Feel free to return to it often. The next videos in this series will certainly be shorter than this.

If you want a private reading from me, send me an email to:


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