It’s All About AlignmentBy Derek John Thomas / May 27, 2022 We often speak of the importance of alignment when speaking of the spiritual and the intentional life in modern times. It sometimes seems that in the discussion we have caused ourselves some misunderstanding or confusion. I myself noticed myself thinking that when I finally get into alignment this or that will manifest or I will finally begin living my life intentionally. We sometimes think of alignment, spiritual awakening, or even enlightenment as a destination or something to be achieved. We forget that these are all states that are in constant evolution and expansion. Imagining it as some future sign of achievement and comparing how we imagine will be when we have achieved it and how we are now is less than helpful. We want to remember that we are on an ever expanding path of movement in the direction of alignment and spiritual awakening. This week’s spread asks us to look at this. It also asks four questions. 1) What do I want to happen? 2) What do I believe? 3) What’s the easier way? 4) What am I ready for? If you want a personal reading, contact me on Instagram