The Inner Work to Prepare

There are times when we get so excited by a new idea, plan, or inspiration that we want to rush out and tell someone, a friend or even the first person we see on the street. If we actually do, though, we sometimes discover that the other people are not as enthusiastic about what we tell them as we thought they would be. The result is often that our enthusiasm drains away and we feel unsure at best or defeated from the beginning at worst.

It is often best to keep the newly germinating seeds of ideas or plans to ourselves at the beginning. We want them to develop and grow enough to weather other people’s scrutiny. This week’s tarot and oracle spread counsels us to get comfortable with working alone at times and how we may use that time well.

We also ask four questions of the central message:
1) What needs to change?
2) What is the brave action?
3) What do I want to create?
4) What am I expecting?

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